Big Book Project makes a Big Impression
Teacher Stephanie Martinez shares The Big Book Project which was assigned to the 8th Grade Honors English class as a culminating project for their independent reading book. The students used a poster board to create a "big book" that displays a re-designed cover, character sketches, a detailed plot diagram, a literary analysis of theme, and a book review. The Grace 8th graders displayed impressive results and creativity on this project and had fun doing it! One student, Norah, said, "This project let us use our imagination and creativity," and another student, Candace, said, "The Big Book Project was fun and made my mind wrap around all the parts of my book." Congratulations to the 8th grade honors english class and to Mrs. Martinez for a successful project. We are so proud of you!
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Teacher Stephanie Martinez shares The Big Book Project which was assigned to the 8th Grade Honors English class as a culminating project for their independent reading book. The students used a poster board to create a "big book" that displays a re-designed cover, character sketches, a detailed plot diagram, a literary analysis of theme, and a book review. The Grace 8th graders displayed impressive results and creativity on this project and had fun doing it! One student, Norah, said, "This project let us use our imagination and creativity," and another student, Candace, said, "The Big Book Project was fun and made my mind wrap around all the parts of my book." Congratulations to the 8th grade honors english class and to Mrs. Martinez for a successful project. We are so proud of you!
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Before the Christmas break, student leaders at the Jr/Sr High, delivered hand-made Christmas cards and gifts to all our neighbors surrounding the campus. Led by Dean of Student Life, Matt Simms, several students jumped in the car or walked the sidewalks to spread a message of thanks and gratitude to our neighbors for their kindness and support of our school. Mr. Simms said, "It can't always be easy being the neighbor of a busy, bustling campus," but we always want to be mindful of our neighbors and be as friendly as we can be. We are grateful for the example of servant heartedness that Mr. Simms demonstrates to our student body.