Career Week at Grace High School

Career Week at Grace High School
Career Week at Grace High School

Most people will spend upwards of a third of their life at work from age 25-65. The reasons why we work matters. Do we work for wealth, power, and influence, or do we work to glorify God? Is our identity wrapped up in our job title, or is it as a follower of Christ? These were some of the questions posed by the speakers during the Grace High School Career Week.

Career Week for high school students taught them about ten different professions and careers, but more importantly, it showed them qualities of a successful and Christ honoring worker. Principal Marc Koster said "Two highlights for me have been the questions asked by our students of the professionals and the ideas/principles that multiple speakers have reinforced."  Mr. Koster noted the following list as important takeaways from the week: 

  • Jobs that offer variety each day are desirable.
  • Effective collaboration is essential for nearly all jobs.
  • Honesty and dependability will set you apart from most others.
  • You must be able to problem solve.
  • Choose an employer you are proud to work for.
  • Lifelong learners are humble and teachable. Recognize that there is always room for improvement.
  • Internships are helpful to help identify the correct career path.

Students heard from professionals who do marketing and sales, who work with their hands, are constantly creative in graphic design and the film industry, work for the defense department, and others. We are grateful for these friends of the school who were willing to take time out of their schedules to shed light on their careers for our students. For more information about how Grace equips students in all areas of life, click here.


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