2024 Summer School Application


Summer School Application

Please complete the following questions in full. Then select the type of of program and course(s). Upon submission you will be taken to the payment page. This application needs to be completed for each student you will be registering for classes.
Please enter the grade level the student will be entering in the Fall of 2024.​​​
Please enter the school that the student will be enrolling in for Fall 2024

Please enter the primary parent's email address.
Please enter the parent cell phone for emergency use.

Enrollment Agreement

1. Students earning credit for one semester must be on campus six hours a week, students earning credit for two semesters must be on campus 12 hours a week. Attendance is mandatory.

2. Tests must be taken on campus.

3. Students should expect to spend roughly 12.5 hours per week for each semester being taken.

4. It is the family/student's responsibility to purchase books. We recommend waiting until you receive confirmation that the class has met the minimum requirements to hold the course, if applicable.

5. Breaks will be provided daily at the teacher's discretion.

6. If a student is withdrawn prior to June 7th 10% is non-refundable; any withdrawal after June 14th ALL fees are non-refundable.

7. If there is a extended family vacation that will cause the student to miss more than the allotted time, then either this program is not for you or the vacation may not be feasible.

8. Students will have July 4 and 5 off in observation of Independence Day.

9. I, the parent, give permission for the named student to receive emergency, medical or surgical treatment and hospitalization if necessary. I understand that every attempt will be made to contact me before taking this action. I will be financially responsible for any medical attention needed during any time on Grace Brethren Jr/Sr High School's campus. My medical insurance shall be the insurance coverage for any medical treatment.

Electronic Signature

The electronic signatures below and their related fields are treated by Grace School like a physical handwritten signature on a paper form.


My signature below affirms that I/we agree to all of the understandings and elements listed above.

Please enter your name below to authorize this agreement.
Please choose today's date. (Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format)

There are 4 different types of courses listed below. Please select the appropriate type of course you are interested in.

Remedial - These are courses that students are repeating in order to earn credit.

Advancement Full Year - These are courses that students are taking for the first time in order to advance to the next level during the following school year.

Advancement Semester - These are courses that students are taking for the first time in order to advance to the next level during the following school year.

Summer Support - These courses are our Math and Writing Camps.

Course Typerequired
Remedial Semester(s) - Please select the class or classes you are registering.​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​
Advancement Full Year Course Selection - Please select the class or classes you are registering.​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Select below:
Select Course Below:Please select up to 2 choices
Please select up to 2 choices
You have reached your allowed limit
First Name
Last Name

Payment Information

Please complete captcha below to proceed to payment selection.

Please select a payment typerequired
Billing Addressrequired
Cardholder Namerequired