Student Life at Grace

Being a member of Grace School gives you a sense of belonging, being part of something transformational and most importantly feeling the joy of the Lord. On each campus we grow, we learn, we play games, we encourage, we dance, we sing, we serve, we build and we celebrate each other. Sure each campus has its own unique feel, but what is constant is our desire to share the love of Christ to our students and families, to always strive for academic excellence and have students prepared for their life journey based solid Biblical principles.


Extended Care & Camps

Clubs & Organizations

Campus Worship

Field Trips

events & traditions

Give to Grace

 I have so many good memories of high school. My favorites have to do with cheerleading. I was so blessed to have a great squad, and such great coaches during that time, that really helped play a part in my walk with the Lord.  -Marissa (Shaffer) Garcia, Class of 2004
The most valuable lesson I received from my time on Grace Robotics was the quality of humble leadership. Given my natural instinct to feed off of my own pride, learning this lesson was quite challenging as I would often default to my own sense of self-sufficiency rather than trusting my own teammates. Despite the difficulties of swallowing my own ego, I do not regret any of it because God used those moments to chip away at my heart of stone and craft it to become more like his. Looking back, I am really grateful for those hard but precious learning experiences during my time at Grace.
- Philip Ho, Class of 2016 and UC Berkley Engineering Class of 2020

One thing I like about Grace is that we have Bible class and chapel every week which is refreshing and helps better my relationship with God. Another thing is I like our teachers and how they care and put time into their students.
- Maddie, Class of 2018